Monday, June 22, 2009

valentine poems

In almost every romantic classic their is, most of the traditional ways of symbolizing and verbalizing love has been transformed into love poems in some way. Poems are one of language s most powerful forms of expression.

While lovers and couples from many years ago had time to write, in today's world most prefer using modern day online email or chat rooms. Simple and soothing words acknowledging a loss, accompanied by a meaningful sympathy or condolence poem can touch a heart like nothing else can. These poems also help to put into words the special bonding that children have with their fathers.

Pick out a few personal things about that special person and write cute little lines about it. Similarly, a love poem can be easily identified by the language itself. Sometimes, a lot of negative thoughts tend to creep in a love poem if the poet is suffering due to lost love or unfulfilled love.

Whatever you decide to stay or how you decide to read the poetry will add that personal touch. Select a main theme for the Poem and start writing.

Short Poems By Dr Seuss - poetry made easy

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